Say folks you probably think this ain't true but thats ok. If I tried to say I was from the far past in 1928 folks would say that i’m off my rocker. In Cincinnati Ohio in 1928, life was quite different from what you see today. I worked as a taxi cab driver, part-time, and drove a 1926 Plymouth. The car was enclosed and had windows. My wife, Dorothy, and I lived in a small house in a religious community, where we believed in traditional values, moral values, kindness, and loyalty to our community. I really dont understand what happened after 1928? Was there a mass chemical spill? or a plague? how did most folks become degenerate? why is sin and taboo seem to be normal? Why are people walking around with what they think is a phone that looks like a bright light and they look at that light for hours? Why that cant be healthy to look at that light thing they call a phone. And most of the time they dont even talk to people on what they call a phone so its probably not a phone but it dont seem right, why folks make themselves carry this thing around with them. There is some queer thinkin in this time maybe its that little note book size light folks carry with them thats somehow telling them what to think I dont know whats going on these days.  Trying to understand this time until my friend can get me back to 1928 were most things are normal.

   I must confess that I find it quite distasteful that folks these days constantly staring at a small, glowing rectangle. In my time, people were far more engrossed in conversation and enjoying each other's company. The idea of constantly staring at a small, glowing rectangle would have been seen as quite rude. It seems as though technology has made us all a bit less sociable. In my time, people had far fewer distractions, and as such, they learned to appreciate the simple joys in life. They knew how to converse and dance, how to dress elegantly and act with decorum. The music of is quite abominable. It is loud, discordant, and utterly devoid of any artistic merit. It serves only to drown out one's thoughts and feelings, rather than express them in a meaningful manner. I often find myself wondering what has become of society when I hear such cacophony passing for music. Perhaps it is simply a reflection of our times, for the world has grown harsh and dissonant in recent years

   Everything seems queer to me in this quite peculiar time. The folks, the clothing, the cities, the music good heavens! why its not even music. Now Al Jolson now that is music. And also you cant tell men and woman apart anymore, that has been going on in my time but not as much as now. Why do things lack style and elegance in this time? clothing, buildings, cars, and just about everything? Why do folks seem rude these days? And it seems like values and morals have changed for the worse. Golly gee folks in my time are so much nicer and more friendly. Most things in my time are normal and in this time it ain't normal hardly anything is. I have noticed some improvements in this time, but not many. If anyone is reading this I have probably came back to Cincinnati Ohio 1928. I'm from the country side part of Cincinnati a religious community. We believe in traditional values, moral values, kindness, and loyalty to your community.

   A bit more about myself. Dorothy and I met at church, when we were just children. Our parents were good friends, and we grew up together, attending Sunday school and church services every week. We got married in the year 1924. I have a friend who is a genius and he spent most of his time in his garage working on something and that is how it started. I find solace in the rituals and traditions of my church, and in the knowledge that there are still those who practice their religion with sincerity and devotion.

   This time, as you call it, seems quite strange to me. The clothing, the music, even the way people talk... it's all so different from what I'm used to. I don't like it. It lacks style and elegance. In my time, people dressed with class and sophistication. The music was full of life and energy, like Al Jolson. People were also much more polite and respectful. There was a certain sense of community and belonging that seems to be missing nowadays. I've noticed that things have changed quite drastically. People have gotten busier, and it seems like they don't take the time to appreciate the little things in life anymore. The values and morals that were so important to us seem to have been forgotten. It's quite sad, really. However, I do see some youngsters these days who seem to be interested in learning about our time, and that gives me hope for the future. Perhaps they will bring back some of what was lost.

   The waltz, for example, was a very popular dance during my time. It's quite elegant and romantic, just like the era itself. As for manners, well, courtesy and respect were two virtues that were highly valued. Men were expected to open doors for ladies, always address them as "ma'am" or "miss," and always pull out their chair for them when they sat down. These were just some of the ways we showed our appreciation for the fairer sex. And below on this page is a photo of me from 1928.



My name is Arthur Cortez i’m 25 years old and I'm from the year 1928. I’m from Cincinnati Ohio,  I have 3 siblings and a wife Dorothy left in 1928. Cant understand this society. Why there seems to be a great deal of degenerates in this time. Dont understand what happened after the year 1928